Fashion news: FHM is sorry, Courtney Love says no to Topshop and Stefano Pilati is afraid of bloggers

Andrej Pejic shot by Keystone Press.

FHM apologizes for making fun of androgynous model, Andrej Pejic. [The Cut]

Franca Sozzani stays ahead of the curve. Vogue Italia’s editor-in-chief features three plus-sized models on the magazine’s June 2011 cover. [Fashionologie]

Courtney Love declines an offer to replace Kate Moss at Topshop. [Racked]

Leighton in love? Check out the Gossip Girl star’s video commercial for Vera Wang’s fragrance, Lovestruck. [StyleCaster]

Yves Saint Laurent‘s hate mail: Tom Ford reveals that the fashion legend wasn’t too thrilled when he designer took over at the French house. [CNN]

Billion dollar baby—Forbes reports that Gisele may soon become the world’s first billionaire supermodel. [Vogue UK]

What scares Stefano Pilati? Bloggers, apparently. The Yves Saint Laurent designer talks about the reception he’s received from the web community. [Fashionista]

Has all the sun got you craving a new bathing suit? Well, Alexander Wang is reported to be diving into swimwear for resort. [Fashionologie]

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