Fashion news: Loeffler online, vampire style and Phillip Lim does a mens show

Loeffler Randall's Francesca boot
Loeffler Randall's Francesca boot

Loeffler Randall, makers of delicious footwear, have hung out their online shingle. Yes, they deliver here. [Loeffler Randall]

The Moment parses the undead style on Being Human. For us, the best vampire fashion moment belongs to Eric’s tracksuit-and-highlights makeover on True Blood. [The Moment]

ANTM’s Miss J Alexander is releasing a book–Follow the Model: Miss J’s Guide to Unleashing Presence, Poise and Power–that promises to be both helpful and juicy. We are most looking forward to the guide to Karl Lagerfeld. [Fashionista]

Phillip Lim will present a full menswear show for the first time at New York Fashion Week. [WWD]

Friends of photographer Corrine Day, who photographed a 14-year-old Kate Moss for The Face, are selling copies of some of Day’s famous photos to help with medical bills from her brain tumour treatment. [WWD]

Some cheap thrills at the perfume counter. [Now Smell This]

A British water park has banned Speedos. Is this a rights infringement we can live with? [Guardian]

A Japanese study finds that aromatherapy does help lower stress levels. [Beauty Counter]

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