Fashion news: McQueen vs Cadbury, American Apparel’s beautiful people club and Gaga watches baseball wearing lingerie

Photography by Peter Stigter

The house of Alexander McQueen is considering suing Cadbury for using an image of their 2006 hologram of Kate Moss in their ads. The question is, why would Kate Moss make us want to buy chocolate? [Racked]

First, he won Swarovski Accessories Designer of the Year at the CFDA‘s, and now Alexander Wang‘s got himself a new New York apartment. The Tribeca one bedroom was previously owned by former New York Times Style editor Holly Brubach, and cost him a modest $2 million. All in all, a good week for Alex. [New York Observer]

Documents have been revealed about American Apparel‘s strict guidelines for how an employee should look and dress. Full-body images of all prospective employees must be submitted (CC’ing pervy CEO Dov Charney is encouraged). An employee wrote: “Not only did they police our clothes but our eyebrows, makeup, nails and hair color. They also openly mocked employees by posting photos of them online. Our store consultant also on several occasions told girls to lose weight or told them they were ‘too top heavy for crop tops.'” Nice, guys. [Gawker]

Is Gareth Pugh taking on design duties at Thierry Mugler? [WWD]

Lady Gaga wore studded lingerie (straight from her “Telephone” video) and fishnets to a Mets game. Are you shocked yet?  [Just Jared]

Winners of the NewGen catwalk sponsorship (a self-proclaimed “talent-magnet”) were announced yesterday. Recipients include Peter Pilotto, Mary Katrantzou and Holly Fulton. [Vogue UK]

Zac Posen, who recently announced he would be showing his line in Paris where they “understand” him, is now rumoured to show his lower priced Z-Spoke line in New York. So while New York doesn’t have the capacity for his high end stuff, but the lower end fashion they can comprehend? [The Cut]

British fashion magazine i-D has recently turned to Facebook to find new stylists for their September issue. Create a look on their Facebook app, and the one with the most votes is featured. [Mashable]

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