Fashion news: Nicola tells us exactly what Gaga was wearing, Johnny Weir is all real and Blake makes girls green with envy

Hey Wangsters! Click on over to the designer’s newly relaunched site, where you’ll find ready-to-wear pieces available for the first time, as well as all kinds of exclusive content. [Alexander Wang]

Here’s a fashion play-by-play of Gaga‘s latest video, “Born This Way”, straight from the horse’s (her stylist’s) mouth: [Nicola Formichetti]

Sigh. Blake Lively will reportedly not be attending the upcoming Chanel show in Paris, saying it’s “tacky” for a celebrity to attend. Um, tradesies? [Fashionista]

Johnny Weir is officially a marked man in PETA‘s eyes: the skating star declares his distaste for faux-fur. [StyleList]

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