Fashion news: SATC 2 extended trailer is out, Italian designers unite for Milan FW, Isabel Marant hits NYC and more

The Sex and the City 2 extended trailer is out, and the clothes have never looked better. Well done Patricia Field, well done! [Grazia UK]

Malcolm McLaren, the manager of the Sex Pistols and also known as the “godfather of punk,” passed away yesterday after battling cancer. The father to Vivienne Westwood’s son Joe Corré and the man who opened her famous Kings Rd. shop in London, Westwood paid tribute to McLaren, saying “[He was] a very charismatic, special and talented person. The thought of him dead is really something very sad.” [Vogue UK]

Net-a-porter is launching a sister-er, baby site, Petit-a-Porter, to style little ones in designer duds. The site is set to launch in September. [Fashion Indie]

Milan’s fall 2010 fashion week was a bumpy one after Anna Wintour reportedly asked that the week be shortened to three days, leaving designers frantic to change their show times. This time round, the heavy hitters like Armani and Prada have taken a stand and announced that they’ll show evenly across the seven days, so that media and buyers have to stay for the entire week. Giorgio Armani said that the agreement demonstrates that Italians “are perfectly able to assert [them]selves without fear.” [The Cut]

Leighton Meester‘s Blair Waldorf is known for her hairstyles (do you miss those headbands from the early seasons?) as much as her clothes, so it’s no surprise that Herbal Essences has snatched her up as the company’s global ambassador. Meester will appear in advertisements, on the Herbal Essences website, and on the company’s Facebook page. [Stylite]

Isabel Marant, the Parisian-based designer, is opening up shop today just south of the border in New York City’s SoHo neighborhood. “For me, New York was the first city I could think of after my shops in Paris,” Marant told WWD. “It was also the way to really express my whole universe.” [Stylelist]

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