Fashionable bridesmaid dresses your friends won’t hate you for


Fashionable bridesmaid dresses coming right up! »

Weddings are S-T-R-E-S-S-F-U-L. Between the vows, venue, flowers, food, guest list and gown, wedding plans have a way of taking over your life. And maybe that’s to be expected…a little. After all, it’s your wedding. You want it to be great! And that’s why you’ve asked some of your closest friends (and that one cousin your mom insisted you include) to be a special part of the big day. But how stressful do you want your wedding plans to be for them?

They’re already planning the shower and the bachelorette party and have marked off a big summer weekend to celebrate your love. Are you really going to make them do it in something that looks like leftover curtain fabric? We’ve assembled a handy list of beautiful, flattering, fashionable bridesmaid dresses that won’t make anyone rethink that fateful day their friend requested them after a second-year keg party. And these dresses will look gorgeous grouped together next to you and your life-partner-to-be! To keep things extra-friendly, we’ve included cheaper versions of dresses over $150. Celebrating your union shouldn’t leave anyone bankrupt, and it doesn’t have to!

Another option, and one that’s often forgotten, is letting your friends choose their own fashionable bridesmaid dresses. This is the holy grail of bridesmaids’ experiences. It’s so unbelievably hard to find a dress that works on all body types and with all skin tones and makes everyone feel equally comfortable. Letting your individual friends pick their own dresses is really the only way to 100% guarantee everyone’s happiness. This might mean letting go of plans you had for photos or a colour scheme, but isn’t it ultimately better to have everyone around you as happy as possible on the so-called happiest day of your life? THINK ABOUT IT.

The post Fashionable bridesmaid dresses your friends won’t hate you for appeared first on FASHION Magazine.