February 2013: Letter from the editor

Bernadette Morra
Photography by Vanessa Heins; hair and makeup by Veronica Chu; shot on location at the Royal Ontario Museum.

We love clothes. And accessories. And makeup.

That might seem like an obvious statement coming from a fashion magazine. But it explains so much of what goes on here at FASHION headquarters. Like the debate that arose from “Math Test” (page 118).

Fashion editor-at-large Zeina Esmail was determined to pull together the season’s top looks with pieces that were $100 or less. With so many great brands available—from Jacob to Joe Fresh—that turned out to be easy. The trouble came when she fell in love with a $106 pair of earrings from BCBG. “They look like something Carole Tanenbaum would sell for $2,000,” she lamented. (Esmail even bought a pair for herself and I might do the same.) But that $6 put the ornate crystal shoulder-dusters over her self-imposed price ceiling. Assistant fashion editor Eliza Grossman called BCBG to ask whether the price could be amended. No. “But they look so good!” Esmail moaned, holding them up alongside the outfit Edmonton’s Jenna Earle would be modelling the next day.

The only solution? We amended the story to high style around $100 or less.

Bending the rules isn’t an option when it comes to our annual Readers’ Choice Beauty Awards (page 67). Your votes are carefully tallied to determine your favourite lipsticks, hair conditioners and more. But it’s the comments you submit that drive home your passion (you’ll find some at FashionMagazine.com). Many made me smile, including this from a 57-year-old fan of Elizabeth Grant’s serum: “The best ever! I even converted an aesthetician (best) friend, early 40s, who couldn’t believe the health of my skin in spite of smoking and drinking and rheumatoid arthritis.” At least she is honest!

Even more than we love clothes, accessories and beauty products, we relish hearing from our readers. Let us know what you think of our work at letters@fashionmagazine.com.

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