Free reading period: A look at 8 must-read independent mags and zines

Magazine: Rostam
Location: Toronto
M.O: Named after a Persian mythological figure representing masculinity and strength, Rostam was originally intended to be an online arts and culture magazine for men. That is until the first web issue went viral and editor Sahar Nooraei began thinking about the potential of print. Fast-forward to 2010, when Nooraei discovered two graphic designers who meshed with her vision, Martina Hwang and Bartosz Gawdzik, and the shift from web to print was set. Readers will notice the current issue contains editorials shot mostly by young female photographers; Nooraei wants to offer a new and rare perspective on menswear. Areas as diverse as fashion, music, fine arts, cinema and architecture are covered, with a focus on international and Canadian talents. The current issue features New York label Duckie Brown, Swedish architect Johannes Norlander and Canadian videographer Kevin Calero.

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