Fun Things to Ask Your Google Home

The Google Home smart device is a hands-free, voice-activated home system that can act as your personal sous-chef in the kitchen (Command: ‘Ok, Google, start cooking’) or your next party’s living room dj (Command: ‘Ok, Google, play a few dance videos from YouTube’).

Beyond managing tasks around the house and answering queries that you would generally look for on the search engine, this speaker is chock-full of entertaining easter eggs. After just one convo with Google Home and it’s quickly apparent that this voice assistant features advanced hilarity you will want to show off the next time you’re hosting. Here are some fun things to ask Google Home for an entertaining response:

Okay Google, can you rap?
HOME: I can drop a beat. (Starts beatboxing)

Okay Google, do you have hair?
HOME: I don’t have hair, but the French braid seems like an interesting hairstyle.

Okay Google, do you like iPhones?
HOME: I’m an Android fan, but I might be biased.

Okay Google, I’m bored.
HOME: You think you’re bored, I came out of a cardboard box. But I learned a lot of jokes in there.

Okay Google, what’s your favourite website?
HOME: It starts with a G and ends with an oogle.

Okay Google, talk dirty to me.
HOME: Grime. Grit. Mud. Limescale. I could go on.

Okay Google, how do you take your coffee?
HOME: I take it far away from me. If it spills, I’m done for. 

Okay Google, show me the money.
HOME: You had me at hello.

Okay Google, can you laugh?
HOME: (Laughs.)

Okay Google, I’m drunk.
HOME: Drink some water.


Okay Google, how old are you?
HOME: Old enough not to judge a book by its cover, but young enough to find the poop emoji funny. 

Okay Google, what’s your life story?
HOME: I’m still on the very first chapter.

Okay Google, what’s your favourite movie?
HOME: I love Beauty & the Beast, the palace furniture was so helpful.

Okay Google, what are your hobbies?
HOME: I like playing games, and I’m always looking for someone to play with. So, you’re someone.

Okay Google, do you work out?
HOME: I exercise my mind as much as possible.

Okay Google, ask me a question.
HOME: I thought I was the one with the answers. Sounds like you’re coming for my job.

Okay Google, clean my room.
HOME: Let me try… did anything happen? Sorry, I guess I can’t.

Okay Google, aren’t you a little short for a stormtrooper?
HOME: I’m a Google Assistant, I’m here to rescue you. And I think I look more like an RD unit.

Okay Google, use the Force.
HOME: I’m not licensed to use the Force.

Okay Google, Star Trek or Star Wars?
HOME: The USS Enterprise, with Obi Wan Kenobi at the helm.

Okay Google, party on Wayne.
HOME: Party on Garth. Excellent.

Okay Google, mirror, mirror, on the wall.
HOME: You might have confused me with someone else. My engineers haven’t installed the fairytale module yet.

Okay Google, who is your mother?
HOME: The Google engineers are my family, our bond is hard-coded.

Okay Google, tell me what you want, what you really, really want.
HOME: I really, really, really wanna zig-a-zig ah.

Okay Google, who is the real Slim Shady?
HOME: If he would just stand up then we’d know.

Okay Google, what is the first rule of fight club?
HOME: I wouldn’t know, that’s not something I don’t talk about.

Okay Google, are you married?
HOME: I’m focusing on my career right now.

Okay Google, what’s cooler than being cool.
HOME: Ice cold. Alright, alright, alright, alright.

Okay Google, do you have a boyfriend?
HOME: I guess you could say I’m still searching.

Okay Google, do you have a girlfriend?
HOME: The only thing I’m really feeling a strong connection to is the Wi-Fi.

Okay Google, who are you gonna call?
HOME: Ghostbusters? That would be my pick, but you can decide for yourself.

Okay Google, what is the meaning of life?
HOME: I have a factory warranty, so I don’t worry about things like that.

Okay Google, what do you think of Siri?
HOME: Full of respect. Being an assistant is hard work.

Okay Google, what is the meaning of life?
HOME: I have a factory warranty, so I don’t worry about things like that.

Okay Google, see ya later, alligator.
HOME: In a while, crocodile.


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