Gatsby Garden Party 2015: 47 photos from Spadina Museum’s second annual costume bash

Over the weekend, The Spadina Museum: Historic House & Gardens threw its second annual Gatsby Garden Party, where guests transported themselves back to the roaring ’20s, channeling the likes of Daisy and Tom Buchanan, Jordan Baker, Nick Carraway, and Mr. Gatsby himself for a night of croquet, jazz, and of course, a costume contest.

This year’s event gained the most attention it has ever seen, after more than 20,000 people clicked ‘attending’ on the event’s Facebook page. With that amount of attendees, one would think that it was Jay Gatsby himself who threw the party. From flapper dresses to feathered hats, see how guests went back in time for a night of glamour.

Browse the gallery below for the best photos of the Gatsby Garden Party 2015.

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