Girls Recap: Virginity! Cheating! STDs! A gay ex boyfriend! We discuss the sex problems brought on by episode 3

How are you feeling about the girls of Girls right now? Do you like them, or are you siding with critics who can’t keep from pointing out the show’s flaws? Have you resigned yourself to not liking the characters and just getting through this whole thing with them in a vote of female solidarity? (“If we don’t watch, the Two and a Half Mens of this world win!”) Or, maybe like me, you like them simply because they’re not trying too hard to be liked (unlike Marnie around a hot artist)?

Last week, we saw how our foursome each reacted to an abortion in their midst, experienced two distinctly awful rounds of sex, discovered there was a virgin in the pack, and saw how easily an unwanted pregnancy could disappear. This week there was no sex but lots of body image talk. From Adam playing with Hannah’s belly fat to Shoshanna telling Jessa it wasn’t a good thing that she could see her belly—it wasn’t exactly Our Bodies, Ourselves but there was masturbation and STDs. The narcissistic tunnel these ladies have us trapped in was given a light by the introduction of a few outside characters: Marnie’s tit-tape-dependant gallery director, Hannah’s now-gay ex and the NYC-version of a nuclear family Jessa is babysitting for. (Aside: was the name of the neighbour in the kid’s novel called Shamaia Grimes, like the kid did not know how to spell Shenae Grimes’s name properly? Yes/No/Maybe?)

While we loved seeing the girls run like pack animals in the last episode, it was interesting to see how they operate away from one another this ep. Marnie seems like the grown-up of her group, but in the so-called art world she’s low on the social order and just as capable of being intimidated by a guy she wants to like her. But let’s get back to the body talk.

Let’s talk about sexy ba-by »

The post Girls Recap: Virginity! Cheating! STDs! A gay ex boyfriend! We discuss the sex problems brought on by episode 3 appeared first on FASHION Magazine.