Go inside Power Ball 2011 and peep all the Jeremy Laing–wearing lovelies!

Photography by Jan Stasiuk

What’s the one event that’s sure to draw throngs of artists, social busybodies and high rollers alike? The annual Power Ball, held in support of the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery, is the one stop on Toronto’s gala circuit that you really don’t want to miss.

The theme of this year’s fest was The 13th Floor, described by the organizers as, “A place you’ve never been before. A party untouched by time and cloaked in intrigue. Hidden surprises, altered realities, a playground for the imagination.” And what a playground it was. Held in the labyrinthine lakefront gallery, the party was attended by more than 1,700 people in what felt like 13 different rooms, each with its own theme and soundtrack.

Photography by Jan Stasiuk

In one room, designed by artist Laura Kikauka, guests sat on picnic tables and helped themselves to drinks stored in white fridges, while on the other side of the wall, merrymakers danced to Jaime Sin’s DJ beats under glowing blue orbs that floated above the crowd. Meat-hungry revelers were treated to some experimental cuisine by celebrity chef Marc Thuet, who was roasting an 800-pound bull on the patio.

For the fashion crowd, there’s no question that the man of the hour was Power Ball co-chair Jeremy Laing, whose looks lit up the room on Sin, fellow DJing gals Pam Hong, Lauren Burns-Coady as well as our very own Randi Bergman and Sarah Nicole Prickett. His designs were so popular, in fact, that at least two lovely ladies were spotted wearing the same Laing dress, a prom queen’s worst nightmare. One of our favourite looks of the evening belonged to marketing darling Amy Wood, who had petite birds perched in her long, side-swept hair. Altered reality, indeed.

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