Going on a Trip Abroad? 1 of these Travel Essentials Could Save Your Life

Have questions about your health but too embarrassed to ask? Or maybe you just skipped one too many awkward sex-ed classes in high school! Well don’t worry — we got you. In our new video series, titled 1 Nur5e, 5 Tips, registered nurse and media personality Jake Mossop, provides need-to-know tips and educational information on common health concerns. Got a Q for Nurse Jake? Ask away, just tag @fashioncanada and @thejakemossop with the hashtag #AskNurseJake. 

So you’re travelling abroad, lucky you!

Depending on where you’re headed — a tropical destination to escape the Canadian winter (#jealous), New York, London, Milan and Paris for fashion month (?) or Pyeongchang for the 2018 Winter Olympics (GO CANADA??) — the contents of your luggage will inevitably vary… EXCEPT for some emergency essentials that every single person should be packing in his or her carry-on.

In the video below, Nurse Jake Mossop breaks down five travel must-haves for keeping healthy on the go. From hand sanitizer to your workout gear (yes, you read that right!), these emergency travel essentials will ensure you’ll be in primo form for the duration of your trip.

Watch below, and bon voyage!

The post Going on a Trip Abroad? 1 of these Travel Essentials Could Save Your Life appeared first on FASHION Magazine.