Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson: The talented mother-daughter duo share tips on growing up, wearing makeup and more
Go behind the scenes with Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson and Almay »
In terms of famous mother-daughter duos, is there a pair more precious than Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson? They both have sparkling smiles, contagious laughs and a knack for starring in films that become instant classics. (We’re not the only ones who could watch Death Becomes Her and How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days on repeat, right?) As for their relationship, red carpet snaps and paparazzi shots alike would lead you to believe that they’re an IRL Lorelai and Rory Gilmore. Well, after speaking to the pair on the phone earlier this month, I can indeed confirm: Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson finish each other’s sentences, make each other laugh and have a genuine mother-daughter rapport that makes you wish they’d adopt you. All of this is to say, it’s no wonder that Almay selected them as brand ambassadors for Mother’s Day. (Psst, it’s Sunday, May 12!) Kate’s been working with Almay since 2010, but this is Goldie’s first involvement with the brand, so I asked the duo about their thoughts on makeup, growing up and more.
When you’re an actress, makeup is all part of the job:
Kate Hudson: “My earliest memory is watching my mom go to work and creating these characters… sitting in a makeup chair and putting that character on. I was sitting on her lap and being fascinated and wanting nothing more than to put my hands in that makeup box. I was three years old, I wanted to put on every lipstick.”
As you age, less is more:
Goldie Hawn: “When you get older you can’t wear as much [makeup], it makes you look older, you have to know exactly how much to wear—if you don’t have your glasses on you don’t know how much to wear!”
Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Kate Hudson: “When I was really little my mom had this wonderful [friend] and her skin was really soft and I remember feeling her skin and she said, ‘Do you want to know why my skin feels like this? I never forget to put on moisturizer.’ So I love moisturizer, coconut oil [especially]—the smell, it feels so good! I carry it with me wherever I go, I put it in my health drink in the morning too.”
Appreciate your past, don’t be embarrassed by it:
Goldie Hawn: “We’re all a part of the eras that we live in and you have to look back at it without malice, like, ‘That was so insanely crazy! Geeze, look at those pants, can you believe we wore those!’ The worst part now is I don’t know what this [era’s defining stye] is, what are we now—we’ve lost distinction.”
Borrowing mom’s clothing is always in style:
Kate Hudson: “I still go over to mom’s house to do something and I go into her closet thinking I want something to keep me warm and then end up with shoes, a skirt… for old times sake I like to infiltrate mom’s closet.”
Want more? See just how adorable Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson are together in this video from Almay:
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