Halifax: Chloé Gordon ruffles a few feathers


I tried to avoid it. In an effort to sidestep a tragically fou-for-feathers diagnosis, I pushed aside the urge to tell you all about the stunning bit of plumage I’ve had dangling from my lobe for weeks. I kept my satisfaction silent and brushed off any “Love your earring!” praise with an I’ve-had-it-for-years shrug. But when the compliments passed the half-dozen mark, I turned a feather-grazed cheek to all those who pooh-pooh plumage and reached for my laptop. This, I’ve gotta share.

Made from a handful of layered feathers, a few beads and a supple strip of leather, my new earring (from $10), designed by Chloé Gordon, a third-year textiles major and fashion minor at NSCAD, is simple, but this simplicity is what gives it effortless impact.

“They’re kind of freeing,” she says of the feathers. “They’re not loud and they’re not bold, but they’re just really subtly beautiful.”

Gordon’s eco-conscious mindset and love for natural aesthetics are put to work in these plumed accessories from her Coquelicot line—each piece is made from organic, recycled, found and new materials. The young designer, whose work extends beyond the jewelry realm (remember the fringed number I gushed over last fall?), uses her interest in the exotic to create stunning pieces dripping with a primitive beauty.

With oversized earrings climbing their way to the top of the accessories ladder this coming season, Gordon’s sometimes collarbone-kissing designs couldn’t be more on cue. And with their handmade charm, green approach and casual take on glamour, they couldn’t be any more Halifax.

Chloé Gordon’s earrings can be purchased at The Clothes Horse (1530 Queen Street, 902-425-2599), or directly from the designer at cgordon@student.nscad.ca.

The post Halifax: Chloé Gordon ruffles a few feathers appeared first on FASHION Magazine.