Halifax: Deux Fm’s backyard bikini


This is a bikini you can’t help but feel good in—and it has nothing to do with how much time you may or may not have spent at the gym this spring. Made right here in Nova Scotia, the Deux Fm Mystique ($82, at Love, Me Boutique, 1539 Birmingham St., 902-444-3668 and at select boutiques across Canada, deuxfm.com) string bikini is about as homegrown as you can get, and wearing something saturated in sustainability feels so damn good.

The suits are cut from fabric ends—leftover bits deemed too small that would otherwise be binned—that designer Anna Gilkerson collects from her own production, or from mills, fabric suppliers and other designers. Using scraps not only paints the suits green, it means an ever-changing colour palette that keeps the bikini fresh with each new fabric Gilkerson gets her hands on.

The designer has been tweaking and perfecting the suit’s fit over time and her diligence has paid off with a bikini that knows comfort and durability as well as it knows style. The pieces are assembled by independent sewists in Nova Scotia, meaning from cut fabric to finish, your bikini hasn’t left this fair province.

Gilkerson’s inspiration is two-fold: the mix and match swimwear of her youth and its endless possibilities, and her unwavering goal to produce high-quality garments as close to home as possible. A backyard approach cuts down on fuel used for shipping, allows for more control during development, and provides jobs for qualified local workers in need.

“It also raises awareness to other brands that they, too, can make a difference by making local products in bulk, and it can educate the public about fair labour and local community focus,” says Gilkerson of her line’s approach. “And not only do the Deux Fm bikinis have a compelling story behind them, but they are also extremely cute!”

Find more swimwear styles in our Super Swimwear Guide.

The post Halifax: Deux Fm’s backyard bikini appeared first on FASHION Magazine.