Happy birthday Prince George! Celebrating this momentous occasion with our 10 fave photos

Tomorrow, July 22, marks two years since Prince George came into the world, forever upping the standard for infant cuteness. At only 24 months, he is already a mainstay of tabloids, has been shot by renowned photogs around the world, covered numerous magazines, and is able to sell out fashions faster than you can say “crocs are back.

For his first birthday last year, the Prince presided over a tea party with his closest family and friends (natch), while also appearing on a limited edition coin released by the Royal Mint (oh, and you only have a photo album from your first birthday party? How quaint). This year, the sweet little tot will be ringing in his second year with a romp around the family’s Norfolk country home, with mum, dad, and 11-week-old Princess Charlotte in tow.

Ahead of tomorrow’s big day, Kensington Palace published a previously unseen photo of the Prince grinning mischievously at the camera that was taken at his sister’s baptism earlier this month by Mario Testino, and it has proceeded to take over the Internet. With Prince William famously referring to him as a “little rascal”—pause for awws—it’s no surprise that we are all totally obsessed with imagining what kind of trouble this Royal munchkin was getting into right before it was snapped.

Wearing red shorts with a matching smocked shirt by Rachel Riley, Georgie’s ensemble appears to mimic the one Prince William wore in 1984 when he met his then-day-old brother Prince Harry for the very first time. An indisputable fashion icon in the making (with an obvious penchant for knee socks and sweater vests), when you factor in those adorable chubby cheeks and that lumbering toddler stumble, it’s safe to say that Prince George Fever is a real affliction, and we are happily submitting to it. Bring on the celebratory royal tea and crumpets!

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