Hell has frozen over: Anna Dello Russo has worn the same dress at least 4 times this month

Photography by Lewis Mirrett

Anna Dello Russo has been seen in almost-the-same dress not twice, not three times, but four times. And during fashion month, too! A shande. Dello Russo first appeared in the embellished little (and we mean little) number alongside model Karolina Kurkova during Fashion’s Night Out in New York. They were twins, and it was cute. Little did we know that the twin trend would rage on… and on. We’re not sure if Kate Middleton‘s recycling ways are rubbing off on the typically over the top Vogue Nippon editor, or that she’s trying (and trying hard) to promote her fellow countryman, Italian designer Fausto Puglisi, who’s behind the fraternal twin creations. Either way, we’re just wondering how upset Tommy Ton is.

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