How to dress for a weird spring: 6 items that will have you armed for crazy weather

Maison Kitsune Fox Sweater

Well. It looks like spring is finally here. (The key words in that sentence being “looks like.”) It’s been lovely and sunny out and I even let my bare, pasty legs run free on the way to dinner last weekend. Then those bare legs and I walked home freezing when the sun went down and took all the day’s spring-like heat with it.

I’m not buying it. And neither are you, I’d bet. It’s not that we’re cynical, it’s just that we’re Canadian. We’ve been burned before. After last Tuesday’s snow-y tantrum, I just don’t trust this spring weather, no matter what the 14-day forecast has to say. With this in mind, I approach spring (and my spring wardrobe) the same way every year: cautiously and with a plan.

It’s not that you can’t have fun with this season—you absolutely can. And you should! You’re probably still fighting off a case of the winter SADs.

Here I give you six key weird weather apropos staples to wear all schizophrenic season long.

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