How to dress for freelance life: 5 wardrobe tips that take the homebody out of working from home

If you’re one of the almost 20% of Canadians working from home, you’ve likely faced what we like to call the “Outdoor Dilemma:” Part-timing it as an entrepreneur, mommy blogger or cam girl (just kidding) all day long and realizing at some god-forsaken hour that you need to exit the house. You’re out of groceries. The Pringles stash must be replenished. You reach one hand up to your ratty, tangled nest of hair and one hand down to your no-pants and realize this is impossible. Hungry and cold, you settle into bed without dinner, starved by your own lack of world-ready attire.

No more. I’m here to tell you: You can dress like a comfortable human while easily transitioning from “reclined in my office space/Girls viewing theatre” to “elegant coffee shop patron.” Here’s how to dress for a chic freelance life:

The post How to dress for freelance life: 5 wardrobe tips that take the homebody out of working from home appeared first on FASHION Magazine.