How to dress like a wealthy recluse: 5 essential items to mourn summer’s end in style

Recluse fashion
Gloria Swanson as Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. Photography via IMDB

5 essential recluse fashion picks »

Summer’s coming to an unwelcome end, and as they say, the time is right… for hiding in your home and never ever going into the streets. Not for dancing, not for ice cream, not for nothin’. Is there anything more glamourous than a recluse? Sure some of them might be suffering from agoraphobia, or working on a rapidly growing collection of jars of their own pee, or watching their stately home crumble around them, but can we fault the fashion? We cannot. Here’s how to spend the waning days of summer dressed like a wealthy recluse—take these outfits anywhere you’d like, although they work best when surrounded by cats and a thick patina of nostalgia for your own wasted youth. Happy dressing!

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