How to fix 5 of your most frequent makeup mistakes

how to fix makeup mistakes

Whether it’s because you only got a few hours of sleep or just because you’re really not paying attention, beauty blunders happen — and they happen frequently. It’s the foundation you’re suddenly too pale for, the lipstick you blindly applied to dry lips and the mascara that smeared around your eyes à la A Clockwork Orange when you sneezed after application.

And because we’re in a mad rush getting ready 99% of the time, chances are when such makeup mistakes happen, you don’t have time to wash off your whole face and start with a blank canvas. What you need are fail proof solutions for high-speed damage control.

Ahead, we have five quick fixes for all your most common, most irritating makeup mishaps that will ensure you looking just right without eating away at your precious morning minutes. We suggest keeping these helpful tidbits on standby — you’ll most definitely be needing them soon.

The post How to fix 5 of your most frequent makeup mistakes appeared first on FASHION Magazine.