How to take the best photos at Fashion Week: 8 tips and tricks from the top iPhone photographers

iphone photography tips video Molly Torian
Photography courtesy of Molly Torian via Instagram/mollytorianphoto

We’ve taught you how to take the best Instagrams and we’ve given you tips on how to take the perfect profile picture. But what happens when pressure, bad lighting and moving runway models get thrown at you all at once? For amateur photographers like us, that just spells disaster. Who hasn’t taken photos at fashion shows, only to realize after the fact that none of the snapshots are Instagram-worthy? We’ve all been there. But before you lose all hope, we’re here to answer your photo-taking prayers. And with New York Fashion Week kicking off next week, we could not have timed this more perfectly.

The art of taking photos may take months or even years to master, especially with all the different shooting techniques and editing features. But with Twitter and Instagram playing such a big part in our lives, specifically during Fashion Week, everyone is dying to know the secret of composing the perfect photo, stat. We tapped the top iPhone photographers and videographers in the industry and asked for their tips and tricks on how to take the best photos and videos with our smartphones. Now we can have our cake and Instagram it too.

From working the exposure like a pro in lowly lit runways to taking stunning time-lapse videos for backstage content, we present you 8 easy-to-shoot techniques you need to know to take the best photos and videos for this season’s Fashion Week. You’d be surprised what a difference it makes with just a swipe and a few extra taps.

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