How to use bronzer: 8 Beauty Panel tips for buying, applying and wearing bronzer

How to use bronzer

Bring on the bronzer! Whether you wear it all year round or just like to add some glow to your complexion during warmer months, there’s no time like the start of spring to learn how to use bronzer properly. After all, this is when drugstore aisles and department store beauty counters will be inundated with new bronze-focused products, making even the most pale-skinned set want to add a little glow to their complexions. However, because there are so many types of bronzers out there—and so many questions about how to use bronzer—we thought it best to have the Beauty Panel, our carefully selected group of hair and makeup experts, take you through their best bronzing tricks.

Challenge 10: What are your tips on how to use bronzer properly? See the answers now! »

From choosing the right shade of bronzer to deciding if you need a matte or shimmering finish to finding foolproof ways to apply blush and bronzer together, our Beauty Panel will ensure you’ll never wonder how to use bronzer ever again. One of the biggest tips is certainly in the colour selection. Both Secrets From Your Girlfriends’s JJ Cowan and Tess Lopez from Makeup By Tess advise against picking a bronzer with orange undertones. Instead, try a shade with pink and taupe pigments. Another important consideration is the brush you use to apply bronzer. Almost all of our panelists used two different brushes—but with plenty of helpful explanation why. Stealing Beauty’s Alexa Lowe likes to use a smaller brush when applying highlighter after her bronzer and Fiona Man from Product Wars finds that the better the brush, the better the blending results. Still curious about how to use bronzer? Read on for all the answers!

Have a beauty question you want to see the panel answer? Send it our way at Read on for the answers to this week’s challenge and for more goodness, get to know all contributors on our Beauty Panel hub page.


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