Inside FASHION’s men’s supplement

Some studded Prada shoes
Studded Prada shoes. Do you have these in women's 8?

We’re currently putting together a men’s supplement, due out this fall. The timing is such that we’re working on it at the same time as our October issue so the FASHION offices are jammed–even more than usual. We don’t usually have any men’s fashion around these parts so the racks and boxes of merch are quite the novelty (though perhaps not as much as the male model currently down the hall). I took a few snaps of the (sorry, no model) action.

The racks go on for about twice this distance.

Says our beauty ed: "This bag could fit two toddlers inside. Easily."

Says our beauty ed: “This bag could fit two toddlers inside. Easily.”

Just for kicks, I thought you'd like to see what our office looks like when the merch comes rolling in.

Just for kicks, I thought you’d like to see what our office looks like when the merch comes rolling in.

The post Inside FASHION’s men’s supplement appeared first on FASHION Magazine.