Inside Holt Renfrew’s blog fête: Toronto’s finest Man Repeller enthusiasts looking unfortunately sexy

Photography by Jenna Marie Wakani

If not for the many male accoutrements and red lips, we’d have spotted the largest convergence of stylish man repellers in the city at Holt Renfrew on Tuesday night. Gathered to meet their maker, Man Repeller’s Leandra Medine, at the launch of Holts’ in-house blog, Holts Muse, said repellers looked, well, unfortunately sexy, gussied up in many a layered shirt/sweater/skirt combo. The most un-man repellent of the bunch, Holts fashion gal Mackenzie Yeates, wore a set of lace-veiled bunny ears atop an all-black getup, while Holts PR’s Amina Said donned a pair of skin-tight leather pants. Meanwhile, the Man Repeller herself—in the MOST amazing bejewelled Dannijo necklace, we might add—rattled off her top five tips to dressing just like her:

1.     White t-shirt
2.     Crop top over t-shirt
3.     Chambray button-up unbuttoned
4.     Leather jacket
5.     Sequin pencil skirt

Well, if there’s a man out there who doesn’t get sequins, then we don’t want him anyway.

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