Inside the Art Gallery of Alberta’s Refinery late night party: Plaid shirts, fur stoles, and Movember moustaches galore

Photography by Jan Stasiuk

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Can’t think of anything better than dancing the night away with the Yeti from that 1964 Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer TV special? Neither can we. Well, that’s exactly what happened last Saturday night at what’s undoubtedly one of the most beautiful new buildings in Canada, the Art Gallery of Alberta. A ticket to what might be the hottest party in Edmonton, the AGA Refinery late-night art party is in its eighth run since the new building, designed by Los Angeles-based architect Randall Stout, opened two years ago.

The fashion was fierce—fiercely Northern that is, with this party edition following new creative director Fish Griwkowsky’s “Explorers of the North and the Monsters Who Killed Them” theme. Guests dressed formal lumberjack style—with plaid shirts, fur stoles and hats, wooly socks, classy(?) overalls, and crisp bow ties—amidst a flood of eerie Northern lights splashing four open-concept floors and seven exhibits. Considering the DJs vowed to “bring out your inner monster” on the dance floor, we’re surprised the glass skylights didn’t shatter.

If the AGA is out to prove that it gets a little racy from time to time (you know, like, “Mr. Darcy perusing 19th-century French photographs dressed in lumberjack plaid with a Movember moustache” meets “twirling burlesque girls exposing their tassels”), it certainly hit its abominable stride last week. We’re counting down the days to the next one.

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