Inside the Canadian Stage Theatre Ball: 26 pictures of partygoers celebrating with Jason Priestley

Canadian Stage Theatre Ball 2013 party pictures
Photography by Ryan Emberley/

See all the party pictures from the Canadian Stage Theatre Ball! »

Based on an informal poll of FASHION’s online department, an event that allows you multiple chances to talk with Jason Priestley is the best event of all. Such was the case at last week’s Canadian Stage Theatre Ball, which celebrated 25 years of the company—a company that just happens to include Priestley in its forthcoming season. The gala event was more cabaret than fundraiser, with Canadian Stage performers singing hits from classic productions as partygoers found their seats for dinner. As an oversized birthday cake was wheeled on stage, Hair’s “Let the Sunshine In” echoed throughout The Carlu. (Though to the dismay of this attendee, no naked hippies jumped out.) “Every time they say CanStage we have to drink!” shouted one guest at the Corus Entertainment table during host Seamus O’Regan’s opening remarks of the evening—and the energy stayed just as palpable until the last guests shuffled off the well-used dance floor at the end of the night.

And speaking of shouting, the highlight of the evening was a live auction that included such prizes as a luxury ski vacation in British Columbia, a day spent training with the Toronto Police Emergency Task Force (hello, Law & Order SVU IRL!) and an executive producer credit on Race, the Canadian Stage production that Jason Priestley is starring in this spring. Even though that prize included a private dinner with the star himself, most of the women in attendance seemed to take advantage of Priestley’s very approachable party demeanour rather than make a bid.

The Canadian Stage Theatre Ball was a birthday party, after all, and partygoers dressed the part, with bright colours abound and few black dresses to be seen. The Room buyer Megan Loach looked stunning in a turquoise column dress while Patricia Dimitrieff celebrated the Pantone colour of the year in an off-the-shoulder emerald frock. But it was the colour pink that stood out the most—with a handful of women wearing almost-fluorescent dresses. As for the must-have accessory of the evening, miniature birthday hats were certainly the best way to celebrate the Canadian Stage’s 25th in style.

The post Inside the Canadian Stage Theatre Ball: 26 pictures of partygoers celebrating with Jason Priestley appeared first on FASHION Magazine.