Intimidated By Your New Year’s Resolution? 5 Simple Tweaks to Help You Own This Year

Photography by Peter Stigter
Photography by Peter Stigter

I’ve spent the past decade resolving to do better each year: Eat more vegetables; work out more often; stress less. These resolutions often failed, chiefly because they were hard to measure (how many servings constitute more vegetables?). Often, a complete life overhaul just isn’t realistic, and we end up feeling like failures for not becoming that person who wakes up at 5 a.m. to hit the gym or mastering the art of holistic vegan cooking. Thankfully, I’m not the only one who is saying “Enough with the perfectionism!” Yoga Girl, a.k.a. the Insta-famous Rachel Brathen, wants to get that point across. “What I’m trying to say is that you’re perfect the way you already are,” says Brathen of her book, Yoga Girl (available for pre order on, which counters the countless diet and fitness tips out there that advocate changing oneself. “You can feel really good about who you are, without having to change all these things. So you feel motivated to make healthier choices and more loving choices for yourself, as opposed to starting off saying ‘I’m not good enough.’ Begin by loving yourself—that’s where health and balance come from.”

On my own path to be OK with who I am already (that means resisting cleanses and unsustainable fitness programs), I’ve come up with some quick things we can all do to boost our productivity and well-being:

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