Introducing Burberry kisses: The virtual app that allows you to send a kiss through the web…for real!

From Google Glass on the DVF runway to e-comm startups rivaling Silicon Valley, high-end fashion and technological advancements seem closer than ever.

At the forefront of the digital world, Burberry has collaborated with Google on their latest innovation: Burberry Kisses. Send a smooch. It’s as simple as that.

With the use of your desktop camera or direct lip contact on your touch screen device, the innovative kiss recognition technology essentially allows Google Chrome and smartphone users to send digital letters that are sealed with their very own kiss to loved ones all over the world. Seriously!

Burberry’s chief creative officer, Christopher Bailey expresses his thoughts on translating emotions we experience in the world into the digital space. “Burberry Kisses began with the idea of giving technology a bit of heart and soul, and using it to unite the Burberry family across the world – by telling a story that makes the digital personal.”

Working hand in hand with Google Earth and Street View technologies, Burberry kisses are captured on a real-time interactive map allowing us to see these digital kisses being sent around the world. We will also be able to see which cities are sending and receiving the most love via Burberry’s

Featuring city skylines and romantic background music, the short video, starring British models Charlotte Wiggins and Rob Pryor, shows us how to capture, send and share our kisses via the digital world.

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