Introducing #freethenipple’s latest weapon: cut-and-paste male nipples

Women’s nipples have been getting a bad rap on social media since the advent of the scantily clad selfie. Last year, Rihanna was kicked off Instagram for posting photos of her famous girls, fueling the already-trending #freethenipple movement. And while @BadGalRiri has since been reinstated, it seems like every other morning that we read about how some poor nipple has been booted off Instagram in hopes of keeping the social media platform sacred and chaste. The ultra crafty Chrissy Teigen is also a frequent offender. Instagram plainly states in their guidelines that they don’t allow nudity to be posted on their site, which includes “some photos of female nipples, but photos of post-mastectomy scarring and women actively breastfeeding are allowed. Nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures is OK, too.” No mention of the male nipple anywhere in their nudity no-nos.

Artist Micol Hebron posted a photo of an Instagram-accepted nipple, encouraging her fellow females to “Use this ‘acceptable male nipple template, duplicate, resize, and paste a[s] needed, to cover offending female nipples, with the acceptable male nipples (like a digital pasty).” This new tactic rebels against Instagram’s sexist nudity rules, all the while resulting in some pretty hilarious photos.

So if you feel an itch to grab your latest Victoria’s Secret purchase and a pair of matches, use this guide to help show off your lady bits (without actually showing them off) and hopefully one day we can be the ones to decide whether or not our own body parts should be shared in public.

The post Introducing #freethenipple’s latest weapon: cut-and-paste male nipples appeared first on FASHION Magazine.