Introducing Rihanna, fashion mogul

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Every so often a piece of news comes along that’s so important, it rivals the 41st anniversary of Leonardo DiCaprio’s birth.

Enter: today, and reports that Rihanna (our patron saint of power, confidence, and hustling) has started her own styling, hair, and makeup agency with managing partner Benoit Demouy. The L.A.-based agency is called Fr8me, and will style artists for commercials, editorials, campaigns, and red carpet appearances.

This, of course, is amazing. First, because Rihanna styles herself better than we could ever dream to, and second, because she understands the industry in a profound sense of the word. She’s been styled. She’d been photographed. She’s starred in campaigns and been featured in editorials. She knows what photographers want, and she knows what they don’t, and she’s probably met a fair share of professional beauty and style artists whose work will benefit more than a few campaigns.

“Hair, makeup, and styling play an important role in creativity,” she told The Hollywood Rerporter. “I am very involved with that part of my process, so this agency was an organic thing for me to do.”

And this agency is a roster that isn’t messing around. According to Harper’s, the staff includes Rihanna’s makeup artist, Mylah Morales, wardrobe stylist Jason Bolden, and hair stylists Marcia Hamilton and Patricia Morales. It’s also embracing the warm arms of social media, with Demouy revealing that they’ll “take a makeup artist with 500,000 followers over someone else.” Thus proving even more that they understand the evolution of the makeup, beauty, and fashion industries, as well as how a strong social media presence tends to exist for a reason.

Rihanna 2020, please and thank you.

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