Is Kate Middleton pregnant? She hasn’t been drinking wine while in Singapore

Kate Middleton Could Be Pregnant Drinks Water with Prince William in Singapore
Photography by NICOLAS ASFOURI/AFP/GettyImages

See what Kate Middleton’s been wearing in Southeast Asia so far »

We can’t help but notice that since she landed in Singapore, Kate Middleton has been choosing water over wine. She’s never shied away from having a glass of wine at royal events before, so we’re curious as to why suddenly she’s only drinking water. Yes, the obvious answer to this question is that Kate Middleton is pregnant. Don’t worry—we’re not about to go all tabloid bump-watch on you, but the pictures don’t lie! However, all other royal intel points to pregnancy being not the case.

First of all, there’s the whole “Prince William and Kate Middleton being on tour in Southeast Asia as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee” thing. They’ve known about this trip since the spring, so the idea of trying to hide a pregnancy at such a high-profile time seems futile. To the same effect, given how meticulously planned every moment of their royal lives are, word is that the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge were advised to wait until the winter before adding a Baby Cambridge to their brood. And yet. While at dinner on Tuesday night, there was Kate Middleton, cheersing the President of Singapore’s wife with a wine glass filled with water. The same thing happened again today, when Kate and Prince William made a toast in honour of the Diamond Jubilee and both clinked glasses that contained not a spot of booze. But before you start gushing that he’s the perfect husband for not drinking in solidarity with his pregnant wife, consider that Prince William and Kate Middleton could just as easily be recovering from jet lag or a stomach flu thanks to eating something horrible on the plane. There’s almost a whole week left on this tour, so we’ll have to see if the water trend continues. In the meantime, you’ll be happy to know that yesterday a child asked William how many children him and Kate want, and he replied, “Two.”

The post Is Kate Middleton pregnant? She hasn’t been drinking wine while in Singapore appeared first on FASHION Magazine.