Is Melania Fed Up With Trump? 5 Hilarious GIFs that Suggest…Maybe?

Newsflash: FLOTUS and POTUS are NOT living up to their predecessors’ lovey-dovey interactions. And it seems things have reached a fever pitch, with Melania avoiding hand-holding at all costs—as if she’s finally calling the shots after months of being left behind. Though the examples of poor etiquette on President Trump’s behalf are many, here are five GIFs that say it all.

Hand Swat Number One: On the tarmac in Israel

The First Lady’s subtle flick of the hand when the President, who walks ahead of her, tries to hold it suggests that there’s trouble in paradise.

Hand Swat Number Two: Emerging from the plane in Rome

If we could’ve chalked up the former swat to perhaps carpal tunnel pain or a nearby fly, this makes it all the more obvious: Like a teenager avoiding a kiss from a date, she chooses to brush back her hair when her husband reaches for her hand rather than taking it.

Too much walking distance between the couple: Descending the stairs at Air Force One

Back in April, the pair visited Air Force One, and it seems the POTUS was so excited to leave the plane that he pretty much left Melania on it. While presidents and first ladies of the past have been seen in varying degrees of separation, an article in The Independent analyzed the Trumps’ distance and called it inappropriate. Etiquette expert Jacqueline Whitmore, who was quoted in the piece, said “If you look at some old photos of Ronald and Nancy Reagan, they are very close together. In other words, they’re a unity, they’re a couple, they’re engaging in this activity together.”

Throwing Donald Shade at The Inauguration

Among the most viral tweets of Melania is the one below, created by Twitter user Andy Ostroff, who documented her reaction to Trump as he turned away from her at the Inauguration. It gained traction not necessarily because of the content, but more because Melania herself allegedly liked the tweet, according to People, which was one of two that she had liked since she became FLOTUS. While the article acknowledges that it could’ve been a mistake or a hack, it certainly supports the argument at hand, which is that Melania and her husband are on the outs.

The Blue Box Moment at The White House

Perhaps foreshadowing the moments to come during Trump’s presidency, Melania was welcomed into the White House with both Michelle and Barack Obamas’s hands on her lower back, gentling guiding her into the House, while Donald led the way in front of them. This was after he left their limo and bolted up the stairs to greet the Obamas, leaving Melania in his wake to awkwardly present the gift that spurred a thousand memes.


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