It Girl: This new series might just be Toronto’s answer to Girls

What happens when the It girl is over it? Just ask Wren Marlowe, or rather Aussie-born actress Misty Fox who plays her in the new series It Girl. The series follows Marlowe as she navigates the strange after-hours landscape that only an It girl understands (late night pocket dials from the hot band guy and tripping on organic mushrooms are just a few examples), while contemplating a shift in that life’s course. As you might imagine, mess ensues, and we’re being treated to a bit of it in the just-released trailer, which features comical cameo appearances by members of Broken Social Scene, The Darcys and…me, who throw Marlowe for a bit of an existential loop. I play the almost-real version of myself and share important views on ombre. Directed by Claire Edmondson (she’s made videos for Austra and this site), It Girl might just the hottest thing since a naked Lena Dunham.

For more information on It Girl, visit

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