Jamie Salé, natural beauty


Eight years ago, Jamie Salé and David Pelletier took Olympic gold for their long program in pairs figure skating—and here’s betting no one’s forgotten the scandal surrounding their medal. Now, though, they’re in Vancouver for the 2010 Games, and in between commentating on her sport for CTV, Salé sat down with me to discuss her new role as spokesperson for famed au naturel line, Burt’s Bees (burtsbees.ca).

How long have you been working with Burt’s Bees? “I’ve been using the line for about seven years, but they approached me to be a spokesperson when I was doing Battle of the Blades last fall, and I said ‘Absolutely!’.

What do you love about the brand? “Their slogan is [products for] “the greater good”, and I love it because the company worries about what’s good for us, the environment, and humanity, and those three things are really important for us to consider all the time. I’ve always been told that I’m paranoid, but now I’m being corrected—‘I’m educated!’ There also aren’t very many products that tell you on the actual label of what percentage is all natural. And what’s amazing about it all is that you think they’d be really expensive—there are so many products that claim they’re organic, natural, whatever—but their prices—whew!”

The post Jamie Salé, natural beauty appeared first on FASHION Magazine.