Katy Perry does “slime green” hair for spring

Katy Perry slime green hair

We thought Katy Perry was in recovery from her days of constant hair dyeing (the wigs were working so well!) but, nope. Bring on the green! Last night the singer showed off a spring-worthy change on her Instagram, courtesy colourist Nina K from the Chris McMillan Salon in Beverley Hills. (That’s Jennifer Aniston’s BFF/hair stylist, just FYI.) The new shade, which Perry affectionately calls “SLIME GREEN” is indeed a little swampy, looking more ’90s grunge than high fashion. But Perry’s always been one to embrace DIY-inspired dye jobs: her take on pink was very Coachella-ready and her electric blue looked best with a little bit of root growth.

So how long will Katy Perry’s slime green hair last? We’re willing to bet this colour change is going to make an appearance in her next music video—she’s set to film “Birthday” this week.

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