Lookbook Cookbook: The new website changing oh-so-skinny model stereotypes one sugary dessert at a time

Photography by Jessica Milan

Tearing pages from magazines to admire the willowy worth of the models within, you can’t help but wonder what, if anything, are these women actually eating? What’s their secret? In a word? Dessert.

Well, we’re sure “exercise” and “genetics” must have something to do with it. But even the most blessed beanpoles are known to enjoy the sweet stuff too.

According to model-turned-photographer Jessica Milan, it’s all about picking the right sweets. After trading the catwalk for the camera, she still stands at a super-slender six feet tall, which means she still gets asked what, if anything, she’s eating to stay so svelte.

And so, to put the “most models don’t eat” theory to bed, she createdLookbook Cookbook,a website featuring fun, natural baking recipes that are free of gluten, dairy, meat, and, therefore, guilt. Feast your eyes on, yes, real models doing real damage on treats like raw almond halva, strawberry mousse, and chocolate-chip banana pancakes.

Too good to be true? The proof is in the pudding– er, the slideshow. Today, Milan shares three of her favourite recipes—and photo shoots—with FASHION.

Get cooking! »

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