Mad Men Recap: Making light of the fact that something TERRIBLE happened (and Sally got her period…)

Photography courtesy of Jordin Althaus/AMC

In the antepenultimate episode of Mad Men, some game done got changed. Namely, Peggy made a power move and left SCDP for the greener (and by “greener” we are referring to money) pastures of CGC as their chief copywriter. Joan slept her way to a five per cent share of the agency (and let’s be honest, we’re sure her skills helped land them the Jaguar account), Pete showed what a schmuck he is (again), Lane brought up the bonus (again), and Megan struggled with an audition and Don’s lack of support. But we’re getting close to the end here, so let’s see whether Peggy’s move will be the big shake up or if there are bigger exits ahead…

Read on for details (but no photos) of a hanging »

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