Mad Men recap: We explain what the characters really mean when they say and do what they Zoo Be Zoo Be do what they do

Photography courtesy of Ron Jaffe/AMC

When last we left Draper and Co., things were looking optimistic, or at least as optimistic as Mad Men ever gets. Don announced his engagement to the beguiling Megan. Joan and Dr. Greg were expecting a bundle of joy (that’s got a silver fox for a father). Peggy saved SCDP by landing the Topaz pantyhose account. Pete seemed less at odds with himself and Trudy was contentedly pregnant. If there’s one thing Mad Men has shown us though, it’s that the only constant is change, so let’s not get too comfortable. And since Mad Men is always about the subtext of what’s being said or done, we’re here to explain what the characters really mean when they say and do what they Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo what they do.

Let’s translate the Zoo Be Zoo Be Zoo »

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