Massive Party 2015: 26 pictures from inside the AGO’s latest bash

Last night, the Art Gallery of Ontario lit up for its annual Massive Party. True to its name, the gala fundraiser was one OTT affair, with installations, open bars and performances taking over the modern art mecca. Directed by mixed media artist Talwst, the night’s theme played off the hotbed of art talent in New York during the mid-’80s, holding up local artists in the image of Jean Michel Basquiat, who was most famously birthed from the scene. It featured works by Brad Tinmouth, Maya Fuhr, the Broadbent Sisters and the ever-cheeky Chloe Wise—who, if you haven’t heard, is totally blowing up right now—and performances by Prince Innocence and 88 Camino.

Artist Virgil Baruchel went so far as to cover a room in angular florals, which made for the night’s choice photo-op stop. Check out this gallery from Massive Party 2015.

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