May 2015 horoscopes: Everything you need to know before Mercury Retrograde begins


Taurus season is here, and we are finally able to breathe in the sensual pleasures of spring, warmth and renewal. This month is all about living in the moment, using your five senses to their full potential, and valuing the simple, routine aspects of experience. That being said, it is also about being willing to challenge yourself to be brave, to be bold, and to accept change even when it is what you fear most.

Taurus asks us to find our own inner courage without following the temptation to draw our strength from others. On the 18th, Mercury will go retrograde again. Planets do not actually move backwards, but they sometimes appear to do so from our perspective because of the shape of their orbits. Mercury retrograde is always a time to move inwards and listen differently, whether through journaling, meditation, cleaning, cooking, or simply sitting and being. It is often not the easiest time to begin new initiatives or make important decisions, so let those simmer until retrograde is over in June.

This particular retrograde asks us to consider how we communicate with others—whether we are able to meet them face-to-face, with curiosity and openness, to hear them even though they may seem like they are speaking a different language at times, and to be authentic in ourselves all the while. We may need to pause before we speak in order for this to take place, and to spend enough time in quiet and meditation to know how to do so.

Horoscopes by Aerin Fogel. Illustrations by Stefanie Ayoub.


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