Model Minute: Adrianne Ho

Photography by Maja Hajduk. Originally appeared in the August 2008 issue of FASHION.
Photography by Maja Hajduk. Originally appeared in the August 2008 issue of FASHION.

Name: Adrianne Ho

Agency: Ford Models

Where you’ve seen her: Adrianne stars in our On the market: Denim video, but that’s not the first time she’s worked with us–the photo above appeared in our beauty section last August. She’s also appeared in ads for Nikon and the campaign for the 20th anniversary of Fashion Cares.

How did you get started in modeling?
“A friend of mine was doing a shoot for Big It Up [the hat store] asked me to fill in last minute when one of the models didn’t show up. When I got there I met another model, Jessi M’bengue, who gave me the number to her mother agent, Chantale Nadeau.  After my first meeting with Chantale, she arranged a couple photo shoots to help me build a portfolio and appointments for me to meet with agencies in Toronto.”

What’s the most fun job you’ve been booked for and why?
“Sounds a bit cliché, but almost every job I’ve booked has been fun.  On set everyone is there because they want to be there, not because they have to be, which is what makes our industry special.”

Any pre-runway rituals?
“I generally stay calm and try not psych myself out.  I usually just talk to the girl next to me in line or watch the show on the monitor.”

What’s your favorite book?
“It’s hard to name one.  I usually like to read comedic books, a few good authors are Augusten Burroughs and Douglas Coupland. I’ve also loved books by Paulo Coelho: The Alchemist, The Valkyries, Veronika Decides To Die, Eleven Minutes

What beauty product can you not live without?
“I’m a minimalist when it comes to everyday beauty products–Neutrogena
face wash, oil-free moisturizer, black eyeliner and I’m good to go”

Any hidden talents?
“I bake the best muffins ever!”

The post Model Minute: Adrianne Ho appeared first on FASHION Magazine.