Our Beauty Panel members reveal their desert island beauty essentials

beauty panel desert island

So, you’re stranded on a desert island. The sun is hot, the food supply is scarce and the bugs are swarming – what three essential items would you want to have with you? The smartest answer would consist of something like sunscreen, water and pre-made food (and maybe some bug spray, too).

Now let’s pretend you’re going to a desert island for a couple of days with a few of your closest friends, a heap of beverages, delicious meals and a shady spot to lounge. What beauty supplies would you need to keep the hot sun and salty ocean swims from ruining your perfectly made-up face and moisturized skin?

We asked our Beauty Panel which three products they would bring with them to a desert island. Read on to find out!

Challenge 95: What three products would you bring with you to a desert island? See the answers now! »

Have a beauty question you want to see the panel answer? Send it our way at beautypanel@fashionmagazine.com. Read on for the answers to this week’s challenge and for more goodness, get to know all contributors on our Beauty Panel hub page.

The post Our Beauty Panel members reveal their desert island beauty essentials appeared first on FASHION Magazine.