Personality Quiz Tells Kim Kardashian: “You’re More Like Chrissy Teigen”

Everyone knows that Internet quizzes are the only space for us to discover our truest selves — even Kim Kardashian.

Last night, Kardashian tweeted a link to Buzzfeed’s “Are you more Kim Kardashian or Chrissy Teigen?” quiz and suggested she and Teigen each take it. The celeb bffs share a lot in common: they’re both moms, both wives, both public figures, and both brown-eyed women. Obviously, they have their differences too; we wound’t have this very important test of personality without the things that make Chrissy Teigen a Chrissy, and Kim Kardashian a Kim.

Shortly after, she posted her result: “You are exactly like Chrissy— wild, the life of the party, and someone who says what’s on their mind!”

Hmmm…maybe “pick a snack”, “pick a shoe”, and “pick a nail colour” aren’t the telltales signs of personality that we always thought them to be. Does this mean I’m not actually meant to move in Fiji? Am I not actually meant to adopt a pug? Buzzfeed, you have some explaining to do.

For those wondering, if you end up getting Kardashian, here’s what you’ll get:

For those who haven’t already, we highly suggest you take the quiz. Who knows? You might find out you’re more like Kim Kardashian than Kim Kardashian herself.

The post Personality Quiz Tells Kim Kardashian: “You’re More Like Chrissy Teigen” appeared first on FASHION Magazine.