Post-workout beauty: 5 ways to say goodbye to sweat and hello to skincare when you’re at the gym

Post Workout Beauty Intro

How’s your January been so far? As the unofficial month of fitness and healthy habits, chances are you’ve made an effort to add more gym visits into your schedule over the last four weeks. While incorporating more workout time is obviously a great thing, it can prove tricky for timing and wreak havoc on our beauty regime—especially when we’re busy. No one wants to show up to work with a flushed face and sweaty hair, courtesy your AM workout. Or if afternoon workouts are your thing, how are you supposed to meet the girls for a drink post-spin class without looking like a drowned rat?

While we all know a post-workout cool down is key, what you do to your skin once you’re done getting physical can be just as important. Of course, this doesn’t mean carting your entire vanity around in your gym bag. We asked the Beauty Panel to share their favourite gym-friendly products and post-workout beauty tricks. By adopting a quick locker room beauty routine with a few key items, you will not only save your skin from sweat-induced breakouts—you’ll also look fresh and beautiful on the go.

Challenge 47: What is your post-work out beauty routine? See the answers now! »

Maggie Ng from Beauty PhD, maintains that healthy gym-glow with a few quick steps, thanks to some time-saving beauty products. Montreal’s Genevieve Peeke, the girl behind Gen In The City, places top priority on banishing post-workout skin irritation. Overall, when it comes to post-workout beauty, the consensus seems to be similar to that of health professionals: it’s all about moisture and replenishing that lost water!

Have a beauty question you want to see the panel answer? Send it our way at Read on for the answers to this week’s challenge and for more goodness, get to know all contributors on our Beauty Panel hub page.


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