Pre-Fashion Week Q&A: Judy Cornish and Joyce Gunhouse of Comrags

Comrags designers Judy Cornish and Joyce Gunhouse

Judy Cornish and Joyce Gunhouse have been making clothes together for over 25 years. The pair launched their Comrags label in 1983 and they’re still creating cool clothes for the women who walk by their Queen West shop every day. We sent them a few pre-Fashion Week questions to give you a sneak peek at what they’ve got cooking for fall. Read up, after the jump.

Describe the inspiration for your fall collection in five words or less. “Hunting and collecting”

What’s your favourite piece? “The ‘Cot’ skirt because it looks like a wrapped blanket and a couture piece.”

Which celebrity would you most want to see in your clothes and why? “If he was a woman we would love to dress our current favourite author, Joseph Boyden. We already dress a few of our favourite female authors.”

What’s your post-show ritual? “After the show we go to Lee on King West and have champagne, good food and rehash every moment of the night.”

You only present at the fall shows. What’s your favourite thing about that particular season? “We only show Fall because we don’t mind working long hours when it is cold and grey outside. Usually, by the time the runway show is done, spring is here and we have survived another long winter.”

Comrags presents their Fall 2010 collection on April 1 at Toronto Fashion Week. Stay tuned for more designer Q&As and catch all our coverage of the Toronto shows at

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