Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana is here! All the best pictures from London this weekend

In a weekend full of big news, none of the headlines rung quite as sweet as those announcing the birth of Royal Baby number two. A girl was born after just a 2.5 hour labour, weighing 8 pounds, 3 ounces. But you knew that already. Today’s real news is that of her name: Princess Charlotte Elizabeth Diana. The beautiful, tribute-heavy name, honours Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth II, and, of course, the late Princess Diana. The littlest princess will thus be known as Princess Charlotte of Cambridge. Cue a resurgence of Disney princess movies and new baby name trends worldwide.

See all of Kate Middleton’s recent looks »

Her mother, Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, looked as flawless as ever this weekend, stepping outside of the Lindo Wing at St. Mary’s Hospital in London just 10 hours after giving birth, wearing heels. The nude Jimmy Choo Gilbert pumps accompanied a bespoke yellow floral print Jenny Packham dress, Annoushka pearl earrings and a head of rolling curls, thanks to her hairdresser, Amanda Cook-Tucker, who had been called in for the occasion. Prince George was similarly gussied up for the occasion, matching his father Prince William, as he perfected the Windsor wave outside the hospital.

Check out our favourite photos from this weekend in London.

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