Q&A: The Facehunter is no friend of trends

Photography by Gunnar Hämmerle/styleclicker.net

In person, Yvan Rodic displays the sort of artful dishevelment and casual indifference you’d expect from a cool young Frenchman. The photographer behind the popular style blog Facehunter, he sees himself as part of a shift in the youth zeitgeist, and true to the site’s name, his images are more about people than the clothes they’re wearing. His pictures can now be browsed offline in a tome titled, naturally, Facehunter (Prestel, $32). FASHION caught up with Rodic in Toronto when he was in town to give a talk to the photogenic fillies from The Society, and we quickly learned that his rumpled appearance belies impassioned opinions.

READ: Q&A with Yvan Rodic

This article originally appeared in the September issue of FASHION.

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