Reclaiming mom jeans: 6 once cringe-worthy trends that are hotter than ever

Mom Jeans

Around 1999 to 2007, most of us were united against a common enemy: mom jeans. (Or, more specifically, “vintage-inspired high-rise jeans, current staple of our adult wardrobes.”) So much fabric, so much modesty, so little midriff… gross.

But as we’re painfully now aware, the style climate was a lot different 10 years ago than it is now. Exposed thongs, cut-off waistbands, and the rest of Christina Aguilera’s “Dirrty” wardrobe ranked over Jesse Spanno vibes circa 2003, so when SNL’s “Mom Jeans” commercial came out, we welcomed it with open arms.

And today, we still do – but while wearing the offending jeans in question. Unsurprisingly, like all trends, mom jeans made a comeback. And on their way, they brought along other ‘90s pieces that make us sound like old Lisa Frank diary entries when we talk about clothes. So with all that in mind, here are the condescending fashion terms that now define our closets. And one day I’m sure I’ll wish I kept my Christina Aguilera-like lace up jeans.

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